Common text abbreviations and how to use them

Abbreviations, acronyms and slang are common place in SMS messages, even those sent out by businesses. Use this quick guide to decide when and how to use SMS abbreviations.

Alfredo Salkeld wrote in
Best Practices , Definitions •
Last updated on February 20th 2024 • 8 min read

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As advocates of SMS marketing best practices, we would be remiss if we don’t acknowledge the rise of text slang and abbreviations.

What are abbreviations for texting?

Text abbreviations are shortened versions of a word or phrase used to save time. They’re also helpful when you have to stay within a limited character count.

In the past, deciphering text-speak was for cool moms and dads who wanted to fit in with their teens.

Today, businesses of every size are starting to recognize the value of incorporating text abbreviations into their campaigns to attract, engage, and foster relationships with their customers.

Learning text abbreviations is a must for any marketer who wants to keep up with the speed and brevity of today’s bite-sized communication style.

The challenge is to adapt to text-ese (an evolving language by itself) while maintaining proper texting etiquette and providing value at the same time.

If you’re still baffled every time you read IIRC, BRB, and IDK, this cheat sheet of SMS abbreviations and internet acronyms commonly used is for you.

The most popular SMS abbreviations

  1. BRB – Be right back: Sorry, just grabbing a coffee – BRB!
  2. BTW – By the way: I’m on the way, BTW should I bring anything?
  3. OMG – Oh my God/goodness: OMG I can’t believe that happened!
  4. IDK – I don’t know: The traffic’s delayed me, IDK what time I’ll get there!
  5. TTYL – Talk to you later: I’ve got to run, TTYL.
  6. OMW – On my way: I’ve just left, OMW now!
  7. SMH/SMDH – Shaking my head/shaking my darn head: I can’t believe you just said that, SMH.
  8. LOL – Laugh out loud: That’s so funny, LOL!
  9. TBD – To be determined: The time and place is TBD!
  10. IMHO/IMO – In my humble opinion/in my opinion: IMHO, coffee is way better than tea.
  11. HMU – Hit me up: If you need anything just HMU!
  12. IIRC – If I remember correctly: IIRC, he still works there.
  13. LMK – Let me know: LMK if you need anything from the grocery store.
  14. OG – Original gangsters (used for old friends): You’ll love her, she’s one of my OGs!
  15. FTW – For the win: Did you see the game last night? Bills FTW!
  16. NVM – Nevermind: NVM about grabbing the chips, I found some at home!
  17. OOTD – Outfit of the day: What’s your OOTD? I don’t know which shoes to wear!
  18. FWIW – For what it’s worth: FWIW, I think it’s going to rain anyway.
  19. Ngl – Not gonna lie: Ngl, I’m ready for Friday
  20. Rq – real quick: Can you check the deadline for me rq?
  21. Iykyk – If you know, you know: That deli down the street is the best lunch place around. Iykyk
  22. Ong – On god (I swear): I’m way too sick to work today, ong
  23. Brt – Be right there: Found the place, brt!
  24. Sm – So much: You’re a lifesaver, thank you sm
  25. Ig – I guess: I mean if you’re going too ig I will
  26. Wya – Where you at: Just got here, wya?
  27. Istg – I swear to god: If this traffic doesn’t let up I’m gonna be late, istg
  28. Hbu – How about you: I’m doing great, hbu?
  29. Atm – At the moment: I can’t talk, I’m at work atm
  30. Asap – As soon as possible: Can you send me that report asap?
  31. Yw – You’re welcome: Thanks for the help, yw
  32. Fyi – For your information: Fyi, the meeting is at 2 pm today

Romantic text abbreviations

Texting abbreviations can be casual, but you’ll also need quick and easy ways to tell that special someone you’re thinking about them.

  1. BF – Boyfriend
  2. GF – Girlfriend
  3. ILY – I Love You
  4. MCM – Man Crush Monday
  5. WCW – Woman Crush Wednesday

Other common text abbreviations and acronyms

This list of SMS abbreviations and Internet acronyms is far from complete. Like culture, text-ese evolves over time. As a result, new acronyms and SMS abbreviations are introduced and used every day.

There are a few of our favorites that you can be confident most people will know. Give one a try today!