A new service under the Civil Registry System Information Technology Project Phase II (CRS-ITP2), the Viewable Online service is similar to the Copy Issuance service except that the resulting document image is not printed on SECPA but is made accessible through the web through an access code. The document image is available for viewing and has an expiry period of 60 days (configurable).
Printed or electronic copy of valid CRS Appointment Slip (1 copy) bearing the name of the client that will transact in the PSA Civil Registry System Outlet.
§ If the client is an authorized representative, the CRS Appointment Slip should be in his/her name.
If applicable, properly filled-out Health Survey Form (1 copy); or
Updated QR Code of the COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing App
Entry points of the PSA Civil Registry System Outlets;
Or at the CRS Appointment System
Google Play Store or Apple App Store
Completely filled-up Application Form (AF) – Marriage Certificate (Pink Form) accomplished in PRINTED LETTERS
AF dispenser at the PSA Civil Registry System Outlet;
Or at the CRS Appointment System
If the request for Copy Issuance of civil registry document will be availed at the PSA Civil Registry Outlet hosted by the Local Government Unit:
Original Copy of the Official Receipt (OR) from Local Government Unit (LGU) as proof of payment of the LGU Add-on Fee as per City Ordinance. (1 copy)
Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, Private entities, Schools/Colleges/Universities
Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, Private entities, Schools/Colleges/Universities.
Court decision assigning the client as legal guardian (1 original and 1 photocopy) and/or;
Duly notarized Affidavit of Guardianship
(1 original)
Clerk of the appropriate Court that rendered the decision
Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, Private entities, Schools/Colleges/Universities
Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, Private entities, Schools/Colleges/Universities.
Valid Identity Document (ID) of any of the contracting parties (husband or wife) authorizing the representative complete with CLEAR PHOTO, FULL NAME IN PRINT, SIGNATURE and issued by an official authority (1 original and
§ For Authorization letter/Special Power of Attorney (SPA) received from abroad, document owner should provide a scanned/photocopy of the passport as valid ID.
Any of the contracting parties (husband or wife) authorizing the representative.
Valid ID of any of the contracting parties should be issued by Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, Private entities, Schools/Colleges/Universities
(i.e., PhilID, DFA, LTO, PRC, IBP, GSIS, SSS, Philpost, Pag-IBIG, COMELEC, NBI, AFP, PNP)
Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, Private entities, Schools/Colleges/Universities
(i.e., PhilID, DFA, LTO, PRC, IBP, GSIS, SSS, Philpost, Pag-IBIG, COMELEC, NBI, AFP, PNP)
Authorization letter or duly notarized
Special Power of Attorney (1 original) complying with the following requirements:
1) Issued by the document owner or the legal guardian, and specifically state that its purpose is to secure civil registry document from PSA. A general statement as to the purpose will not be accepted;
2) Indicate the type of document, and must be able to provide the specific details required in the AF;
3) Typewritten or handwritten in a clean sheet of paper and should bear the signature of the document owner. The full name and signature appearing in the authorization letter must be identical to the valid ID of the document owner except for the Philippine Identification (PhilID) card /ePhilID;
4) Multipurpose SPA can be accepted provided that the intent to secure specific civil registry document/certification from the PSA is specifically indicated;
5) Captured/scanned image of the actual SPA that matches the accompanying valid ID; and
6) Authorization letter sent through email and other instant messaging applications is acceptable provided that the full name and signature appearing in the authorization letter must be identical to the valid ID of the document owner and the authorized person.
Senior Citizen’s ID Card or any valid ID indicating his/her age with CLEAR PHOTO, FULL NAME IN PRINT, SIGNATURE and issued by an official authority (1 original); or
Philippine Identification (ID) Card/ ePhilID
(1 original)
Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) and/or local government units (LGUs)
Philippine Statistics Authority
PWD ID Card complete with CLEAR PHOTO, FULL NAME IN PRINT, SIGNATURE and issued by an official authority (1 original); or
Philippine Identification (ID) Card/ ePhilID
(1 original)
National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) Office of the Mayor, Office of the Barangay, Department of Social Welfare and Development or other organization with Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Health
Philippine Statistics Authority
Government Agencies, Non-Government Organizations, Private entities, Schools/Colleges/Universities
(i.e., PhilID, DFA, LTO, PRC, IBP, GSIS, SSS, Philpost, Pag-IBIG, COMELEC, NBI, AFP, PNP)
Philippine Identification (ID) Card
(1 original) or ePhilID (1 original)
§ PhilID card/ePhilID holders are allowed to request only his/her own marriage document and his/her parents
1. Set an appointment at https:// appointment.psa.gov.ph/
1.1 May opt to download the Application Form- Marriage Certificate (Pink Form) and Health Survey Form (if applicable) from the appointment website.
§ Application Form can be accomplished prior to scheduled date of appointment.
§ Health Survey Form must be accomplished at the CRS Outlet on the date of the appointment.
1.2 Go to the CRS Outlet on the actual date and time of appointment.
§ Clients with PhilID/ePhilID and requesting for copy of his/her own marriage document and his/her parents, are allowed to transact in the outlet without an appointment.
1.1 CRS Appointment System send out appointment confirmation to the client email address.
1.2 Ensure that the Application Form- Marriage Certificate (Pink Form) and Health Survey Form are available for download.
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
2. Present the printed or electronic copy of the CRS Appointment Slip and one (1) valid ID.
For Authorized Representative (AR)
§ Valid Identity Document (ID) of the document owner complete with CLEAR PHOTO, FULL NAME IN PRINT, SIGNATURE and issued by an official authority (1 original and 1 photocopy) and the AR’s valid ID.
§ CRS Appointment Slip bearing the name of the AR.
2.1 If the request for Copy Issuance of civil registry document will be availed at the PSA Civil Registry Outlet hosted by the Local Government Unit, present the printed or electronic copy of the CRS Appointment Slip, together with the original OR from Local Government Unit (LGU) as proof of payment of the LGU Add-on Fee, and one (1) valid ID upon entry in the PSA Civil Registry System Outlet.
2.1 Check carefully the following information on the presented CRS Appointment Slip:
b. Name of client;
c. Scheduled date and time; and
d. IDs presented.
Information Marshal/ Security Guard
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
3. Pass through Health and Safety Protocol of the PSA Civil Registry System Outlet.
3.1 If applicable, allow the updated QR Code of the COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing App be scanned, or fill-up and submit the Health Survey Form.
3.2 Allow temperature check.
3.1 Ensure that the client scanned and passed the COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing App, or receive the completely filled-up health survey form.
3.2 Check the body temperature of client using a thermal scanner.
Information Marshal/ Security Guard
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
5. Proceed to the screening area.
5.1 Present the AF and the required documents to the screener for completeness check.
5.1 Screen the AF and the requirements.
For PhilID card /ePhilID holders:
5.2 Screen the validity of the PhilID Card through its basic overt and covert security features, or scan the QR Code of the PhilID Card/ePhilID using PhilSys Check.
5.3 Return the validated PhilID card/ePhilID to the client.
5.4 Return the PhilID Card/ ePhilID that failed the validation to the client and request for a new valid ID.
5.5 Return the AF and the ID(s) and/or authorization letter/SPA/Affidavit to the client as it will be presented to the Encoder prior to the payment of corresponding fees.
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
Information Marshal/ Security Guard
PSA Civil Registry System
7. Proceed to the encoding area.
7.1 If opted to transact in the encoding window, wait for the QTN to be shown in the QMS Public Digital Display.
7.1.1 Determine the mode of payment of the request, if cash or cashless payment.
7.1.2 Present the QTN, AF and the required documents to the encoder.
7.2 If opted to use the Self-Servicing Kiosk (SSK), proceed to the SSK area.
7.2.1 Encode QTN and the complete details of the request and print the transaction slip.
7.1 Ensure that the QMS Public Digital Display is functional.
7.2 Ensure that the client is assigned to the Encoder-Collecting Officer role for cashless payment.
7.3 Receive the QTN, AF and other requirements.
7.4 Encode into the system the QTN and the details of the requests.
7.5 Return the AF, the ID(s) and/or authorization letter/SPA/Affidavit to the client as it will be presented to the Collecting Officer prior to the payment of corresponding fees.
7.6 Ensure that the Self-Servicing Kiosk is functional and available to issue transaction slip.
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
Information Marshal PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
8. Proceed to the payment area.
8.1. Wait for the QTN to be shown in the QMS Public Digital Display to the available payment window.
8.2 Submit the QTN, AF/transaction slip and the required documents to the Payment Window.
8.3 Pay the corresponding fee for the request, either in cash or through online cashless payment.
§ Priority Clients to proceed to the Priority Lane.
§ Clients with PhilID card/ePhilID to proceed to the Priority Lane/ Special Lane.
8.1 Ensure that the QMS Public Digital Display is functional.
8.2 Receive and check the QTN, AF/transaction slip and the requirements.
8.3 Retrieve the transaction in the system using the search query.
8.4 Accept the corresponding payment and generate an Official Receipt (OR).
8.5 Print the Web Access Information Slip.
8.6 Attach the OR to the Web Access Information Slip.
Php 130.00 per copy
Documentary Stamp Tax
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
9. Receive the Web Access Information Slip.
9.1 Check the document.
§ Check the details in the issued Official Receipt (OR).
§ Make sure to count the change before leaving the counter.
9.2 Sign the “Acknowledgement of Receipt” portion at the back of the AF and indicate the date of receipt.
9.1 Release the Web Access Information Slip and OR to the client.
9.2 Ensure the client signed the “Conforme” portion at the back of the AF, indicating the printed name, signature and id number.
9.3 Ensure the “Acknowledgement of Receipt” is accomplished by the client, indicating the printed name, signature and date of release.
9.4 Affix the initials of the Collecting Officer in the OR.
9.5 Attached all the requirements: QTN, CRS Appointment Slip (if printed), Authorization Letter/SPA/ Affidavit and photocopies of valid IDs to the AF/transaction slip
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
10.1 Get the transaction in the system.
10.2 Verify from the CRS database the request on the basis of details that has been encoded.
Conduct verification from the System pursuant to the issued PSA Office Memorandum No. 2021-139 dated
01 June 2021.
10.2.1 In case that the requested copy of the Marriage Certificate is available in the CRS Database, submit the document for viewing.
10.2.2 In case that the requested copy of the Marriage Certificate is not available in the CRS Database after thorough verification, generate a Negative Certification of Marriage with Negative Result Advisory.
10.2.3 In case that the requested copy of the Marriage Certificate is not available in the CRS Database but positive in the Vital Event Information (VEI) Database, it will be tagged for Manual Verification processing. For Manual Verification result, client to wait for the Short Messaging Service (SMS) notification on the availability of the document for viewing.
§ Processing time maybe extended depending on the result of verification from the System.
Request Service Officer,
Primary Back Office / Secondary Back Office
Primary Back Office / Secondary Back Office
Primary Back Office / Secondary Back Office
Primary Back Office / Secondary Back Office
PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
Special Cases/Situations:
In the event that after verfication, there are special cases/situations that needs to be addressed/resolved first by the concerned Back-End Processing Unit the following processes will take place:
1) Primary Back Office (PBO)/Secondary Back Office (SBO) RSO log the problem to the CRS Help Desk System (HDS) with the following information:
- Complete details of the request
- Description of the problem
2) PBO/SBO RSO to wait for the notification from the HDO for the advice of the reported case if okay and ready for process.
3) Or PBO/SBO RSO to cancel the transaction while waiting for the advice from the HDO.
4) Or PBO/SBO RSO will tag the transaction for MV (issue or suspend), if suspend it will automatically notify the Outlet.
5) In case the situation cannot be resolved within the day, PBO/SBO RSO to inform the PBO/SBO Team Leader (TL) and PBO/SBO Supervisor.
6) Outlet’s TL/ Supervisor (OS) to inform the client on the situation and on the
re-scheduled date of release.
Copy issuance of marriage documents that fall under special cases/situations require several actions/steps that need to be undertaken outside of the Civil Registry System Outlet to be able to deliver the requested document to the client. In this connection the Service Classification is changed from SIMPLE to COMPLEX.
1. The copy of the marriage record that have extra or excess page(s) are not to be printed and issued to the clients.
1.1 First option: the PBO/SBO RSO to tag the transaction as Manual Verification (MV); to suspend the transaction, choose others in the drop down list and type the specific reason, click “SUSPEND” and click “OK”; or
1.2 Second option: the PBO/SBO RSO to log the problem to the CRS Help Desk System (HDS) with the following information:
-Complete details of the request
-Description of the problem
1.3 PBO/SBO RSO to wait for the notification from the HDO if the image is okay and ready for process.
1.4 Once reported to HDO, PBO/SBO RSO can cancel the transaction and fetch another transaction.
1.5 In case the situation cannot be resolved within the day, PBO/SBO RSO to inform the PBO/SBO TL and Supervisor.
1.6 Document is for pull-out from the Archive for re-scanning and other related processes.
1.7 PBO/SBO to wait for the re-scanned image to be uploaded to the CRS Database.
1.8 PBO/SBO to issue the document in the system.
Help Desk Officer
Unisys Managed Services Corp.,
Civil Register Management Division (CRMD)
2. The mismatched image should not be printed.
2.1 First option: PBO/SBO RSO to tag the transaction as MV and choose Others from the drop down list and type “mismatched image”, click “SUSPEND” and click “OK”; or
2.2 Second option: PBO/SBO RSO to log the problem to the CRS Help Desk System (HDS) with the following information:
-Complete details of the request
-Description of the problem
2.2 Once reported to HDO, PBO/SBO RSO can cancel the transaction and fetch another transaction.
2.3 PBO/SBO RSO to wait for the notification from the HDO if the image is okay and ready for process.
2.4 In case the situation cannot be resolved within the day, PBO/SBO RSO to inform the PBO/SBO TL and PBO/SBO Supervisor.
2.5 Outlet’s TL to inform the client on the situation and on the rescheduled date of release.
2.6 Document is for pull-out from the Archive for re-scanning and other related processes.
2.7 PBO/SBO to wait for the re-scanned image to be uploaded to the CRS Database.
2.8 PBO/SBO to issue the document in the system.
Help Desk Officer
Unisys Managed Services Corp
Civil Register Management Division (CRMD)
3. The inverted/ defective image should not be printed.
3.1 First option: PBO/SBO RSO to tag the transaction as MV and choose Others from the drop down list and type the specific reason then click “SUSPEND” and then click “OK”; or
3.2. Second option: PBO/SBO RSO to log the problem to the CRS Help Desk System (HDS) with the following information:
-Complete details of the request
-Description of the problem
3.3 Once reported to HDO, PBO/SBO RSO can cancel the transaction and fetch another transaction.
3.4 PBO/SBO RSO to wait for the notification from the HDO if the image is okay and ready for process.
3.5 In case the situation cannot be resolved within the day, PBO/SBO RSO to inform the PBO/SBO TL and Supervisor.
3.6 Document is for pull-out from the Archive for re-scanning and other related processes.
3.7 PBO/SBO to wait for the re-scanned image to be uploaded to the CRS Database.
3.8 PBO/SBO to issue the document in the system.
Help Desk Officer
Unisys Managed Services Corp
Civil Register Management Division (CRMD)
4. The corrupted/ decrypted image should not be printed.
4.1 PBO/SBO RSO to log the problem to the CRS Help Desk System (HDS) with the following information:
-Complete details of the request
-Description of the problem
4.2 PBO/SBO RSO to wait for the notification from the HDO if the image is okay and ready for process; or
4.3 Once reported to HDO, PBO/SBO RSO can cancel the transaction and fetch another transaction
4.4 In case the situation cannot be resolved within the day, PBO/SBO RSO to inform the PBO/SBO TL and Supervisor.
4.6 Document is for pull-out from the Archive for re-scanning and other related processes.
4.7 PBO/SBO to wait for the re-scanned image to be uploaded to the CRS Database.
4.8 PBO/SBO to issue the document in the system.
Help Desk Officer
Unisys Managed Services Corp.
Civil Register Management Division (CRMD)
5. Blurred copies of document/s from the CRS database will still be made available to the clients.
5.1 The RSO to click/prompt the “Request for Clear Copy” and submit the document for viewing.
5.2 For client requesting clearer copy of the document, a request shall be made at the CRS Outlet.
5.3 The Care Officer will create a transaction for rework.
5.3 The RSO to tag the transaction as MV for processing of backend units.
5.4 Document is for pull-out from the Archive for re-scanning and other related processes.
5.5 Client to wait for the Short Messaging Service (SMS) notification on the availability of the document for viewing.
Public Assistance and Complaints Desk (PACD), PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
Production and Maintenance Unit, Civil Register Management Division (CRMD)
6. In the event that the RSO verification yielded a negative result but with Vital Event Information, the RSO tag the transaction to Manual Verification.
6.1 Document is for pull-out from the Archive for scanning and other related processes.
6.2 Client to wait for the Short Messaging Service (SMS) notification on the availability of the document for viewing.
7. In the event that the document issued to the client has incomplete/ incorrect annotation, a request for Rework will be created.
7.1 Care Officer will endorse to the backend unit for creation of transaction for rework and reschedule the date of release.
7.2 Backend units to reprocess the annotation request.
7.3 Client to wait for the Short Messaging Service (SMS) notification on the availability of the document.
Public Assistance and Complaints Desk (PACD), PSA Civil Registry System Outlet
Civil Register Management Division (CRMD)
Attachment | Size |
Issuance of Viewable Online Request of Marriage Certificate at PSA Civil Registry System Outlet | 438.86 KB |