Foreign Policy Data: American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy Data: American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy

The Chicago Council Survey is a trusted and widely cited source of longitudinal data on American public opinion about a broad range of US foreign policy and international issues.

Roper Center is proud to announce a new dataset: The Chicago Council on Global Affairs 2016 Biannual Survey. This survey of 2061 adults was conducted June 10-26, 2016 by the GfK Group (GfK, formerly Knowledge Networks). The study examines American’s attitudes toward and perceptions of a range of U.S. foreign policy issues, including military presence, alliances with other countries, international agreements, and foreign policy goals.

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Earlier public opinion polls from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs are available in the archive. Want more data on foreign policy? There are more than 6,000 questions about foreign policy in iPoll, and more than 4,000 studies on foreign policy in the dataset archive.