Keeping your personal information and major up to date helps ensure that you get important communications, keeps your financial aid or VA benefits current and can determine which courses to take.
Make sure Normandale always has your current:
It’s easy to make changes to your contact information using our online form. You can also update your permanent address and email in e-Services.
Any changes are automatically updated campus-wide and at other Minnesota state institutions where you have records.
Change Your NameComplete a Change of Information Form to change your name on Normandale communications. Make sure to include legal documentation that includes your previous and new names such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, court authorization or updated Social Security card.
The Records Office will also accept copies of your old and new driver's licenses with DMV paperwork documenting your name change.
Changes are automatically updated campus-wide and at other Minnesota state institutions where you have records.
If you use a name other than your legal name, you may elect to have your preferred name appear in D2L, class rosters and some informal communications. The preferred name form is available in eServices by clicking “Name and Address Info” under “Account Management.”
Tell your instructors to ensure proper grades at the end of the term if changing your name during the semester.
Social Security NumberYou must supply a copy of your Social Security card to our office if you apply for financial aid, veteran’s benefits or plan to deduct your educational expenses on your federal taxes.
Your Social Security number also gives you access to your academic record at a later date. This is helpful if you need:
If the above doesn’t apply, you don’t have to submit a Social Security number.
Changing Your MajorKeep information about your major updated. It’s how we determine courses for which you can receive VA benefits and may affect your eligibility for financial aid.
The major you included on your Normandale application remains until graduation or you change it with the Change of Major eForm.