Netherlands Consumer Rights - information for expats in Netherlands

ExpatINFO Holland

Netherlands consumer rights laws provide buyers with certain guarantees and protections whether a product is purchased in a store, online or from a retailer based in another EU country…

Netherlands consumer rights

Across the European Union, a standard set of guarantees are in place to protect consumers. These cover goods purchased in a face-to-face environment as well as over the internet.

The Netherlands consumer rights laws are therefore harmonized with those of other member states. Both the Dutch government and the European Commission have agencies responsible for monitoring businesses to ensure they are abiding by established regulations.


In 1999, the European Commission issued Directive 1999/44/EC, which was later replaced by Directive (EU) 2019/771 in 2019 regarding the sale of consumer goods in the European Union and the guarantees which sellers are required to meet.

Some key protections introduced by the directive include:

The companion Directive (EU) 2019/770 lays out guaranteed protections for EU consumers as it relates to the purchase of digital services.


The European Consumer Centre Network (ECC-Net) is an independent public service organization for consumers in the EU with representation in each member state.


ECC NEDERLAND is the local ECC branch in the Netherlands. The website provides clear information, in English, about the rights of consumers in the EU (including Dutch consumers), whether the buyer is purchasing in a store, buying off-premises or buying over the internet.

In addition, the organization acts as an intermediary when a disagreement arises between a buyer in the Netherlands and a seller in another EU member state, Norway or Iceland, which remains unresolved.

The ECC Nederland website answers questions commonly asked by consumers, such as What information does the seller have to supply in-store? Who is responsible for a product bought online? When does the purchaser have a right to a warranty? In which circumstances can a contract be cancelled due to a faulty product?


CONSUMENTENBOND: This is the Dutch consumer rights agency. It provides detailed information about consumer rights in the Netherlands, gives suggestions on ways to resolve an issue with a seller and offers services such as mediation if attempts to reach an agreement has not been successful.

DE GESCHILLENCOMMISSIE: This is the Dutch complaints board where a customer can file a grievance against a company located in the Netherlands.

AUTHORITEIT CONSUMENT & MARKT: The ACM protects the interest of consumers in the Netherlands by ensuring fair business competition within specific industries.

NEDERLANDSE VOEDSEL en WARENAUTORITEIT: The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority is an agency within the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality and responsible for issuing consumer alerts about unsafe products.